Thursday, March 28, 2019

Generate one page PDF calendars with entries

Generating a on epage pdf calendar isn't that difficult.
Just draw the month grid and put the entries into the corresponding matrix at the correct places.

But wait, is it that easy?

- What do you do when the number of entries in one grid cell use more space than is available?

To solve this problem in php, I did just write a class which handles this problem.
The PdfCalendarBuilder library hosted on github solves this problem in two ways:

- First it trys to resize the row heights, to distribute the free height across the rows, so everything still fits on one page
- The secon option, if the content is still too large, is to reduce the font size of the entries until everything has place on the same page

Both features can be de/activated independently of each other, but best results are done when both remain activated.

There are still a few things to work out in the library, such as handling entries which span days or things like full-day events which should be rendered differently.

But the basic stuff already works fine, even with event categories and legends.
It also does not matter what paper siez you choose, just modify the font sizes as you need them, the defaults are good for A4 paper.

And to help you integrate it in your own projects, the whoche whole library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
But please send back enhancements, error reports or other ideas to the project page.