Friday, August 31, 2018

Java ffmpeg wrapper jave

Java ffmpeg wrapper

In the last months we did some major enhancements in the jave library which can be used from java to analyze/convert audio and video files with the use of ffmpeg.

The project homepage can be found here

The main changes as to the original package are:
- Support for Windwos 32+64 bit
- Support for Linux 32+64 bit
- Support for OS-X 64bit
- Upgraded to ffmpeg 4.x (From 3.x)
- Enhanced output parsing
- Added options for running the encoding/decoding as a separate thread
- Added to maven central for simpler usage
- Many smaller enhancements

The project was initially started by Carlo Pelliccia at

You are welcome to contribute to the project with ideas and code.
You can use the github page for this.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Install Zabbix agent on FreeNAS 11.x

There is no official Zabbix Agent binary for FreeNAS, so it has to be compiled from source on another machine. There are several options to do so, I decided to just spin up a FreeBSD Vagrant VM to build the binary.
This post is based on the post from [1] with some enhancements 

For more recent howto see here

Vagrant VM

Setup VM & Build Environment

  1. Create Vagrantfile:
    Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "freebsd/FreeBSD-11.1-STABLE"
      config.vm.base_mac = "000000123456"
  2. Start VM: vagrant up
  3. Enter VM: vagrant ssh
  4. Install dependecies:
    sudo pkg install -y curl autoconf automake gettext gcc pcre

Compile Zabbix Agent

  1. Download source:
  2. curl -fsSL "" | tar zxvf -
    cd zabbix-3.4.14
    curl -fsSL "" | tar zxvf -
    cd zabbix-4.0.9
  3. Build with TLS support for encryption:
    ./configure --enable-agent --with-openssl --enable-ipv6
    sudo make install
  4. Transfer compiled binary to FreeNAS system:
    scp /usr/local/sbin/zabbix_agentd root@$FREENAS_IP:/usr/local/sbin/
  5. Leave VM: exit
  6. Destroy VM (optional): vagrant destroy


After the zabbix_agentd binary is transferred to the FreeNAS system, it’s time to SSH into it to configure the agent.

Zabbix Agent Configuration

  1. Add user:
    pw groupadd zabbix
    pw useradd zabbix -c "Daemon user for Zabbix agent" -d /nonexistent -s /usr/sbin/nologin -w no -g zabbix 
    Create zabbix user and group via WebUI, otherwise they won't suvive a reboot
  2. Create /etc/zabbix_agentd.conf:

Daemon Configuration

  1. Enable daemon:
    echo 'zabbix_agentd_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
  2. Create /etc/rc.d/zabbix_agentd:
    # PROVIDE: zabbix_agentd
    # KEYWORD: shutdown
    # Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf to
    # enable zabbix_agentd:
    # zabbix_agentd_enable (bool): Set to NO by default.  Set it to YES to
    #         enable zabbix_agentd.
    . /etc/rc.subr
    # read configuration and set defaultsc
    load_rc_config "$name"
    : ${zabbix_agentd_enable="NO"}
    #: ${zabbix_agentd_pre:=/etc/${name}}
    if [ ! -z "$zabbix_agentd_conf" ] ; then
      zabbix_agentd_flags="${zabbix_agentd_flags} -c ${zabbix_agentd_conf}"
      if [ ! -z "$zabbix_agentd_pre" ] ; then
        if [ -e $zabbix_agentd_pre ] ; then
          . $zabbix_agentd_pre
    run_rc_command "$1"  run_rc_command "$1"
  3. Make executable:
    chmod +x /etc/rc.d/zabbix_agentd
  4. Start daemon:
    /etc/rc.d/zabbix_agentd start
  5. Make config files persistent and survive reboots:
    cp /etc/rc.conf /conf/base/etc/
    cp /etc/rc.d/zabbix_agentd /conf/base/etc/rc.d/
    cp /etc/zabbix_agentd.* /conf/base/etc/

Exit vagrant

in the ssh sesion type: exit
vagrant destroy

 Zabbix configuration

Use the template from the zabbix wiki for the host monitoring


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Updated LDAP server for Innovaphone

Updated LDAP server for Innovaphone devices

Last year we did publish our small ldap server as opensource on git hub.
In the past months we did many enhancements, which added text search capability, more number fields and better support for varios DECT platforms.

If you already use it, we strongly suggest that you upgrade to the new 2.2 release.

If you are providing a hosted environment for your clients, then we have a closed source version of the same software, which can handle tenants for your different clients. Just contact for a quote.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Monitor Netgear ReadyNAS with Zabbix

Zabbix template for Netgear ReadyNAS

Monitoring devices with Zabbix is a simple thing, at least when you have a matching template for your device.

For Netgear ReadyNAS devices there exist many different templates, but most are outdated and no longer support the current 6.9.x firmware.

We integrated "all" ideas found in the other templates to provide a easy to install/use template for your device.


  • LLD of disks, fans, temperature sensors, volumes, partitions, inetrfaces and processors
  • Creation of graph and triggers
  • No need to deploy MIB files to servers/agents, we work with direct OID's

The template and install instructions can be found here on Github link

Please open a issue in Github if you need more features or have enhancements you can provide.